My Wainwrights - Book Seven: The Western Fells

Book Seven- The Western Fells

the guide on the summit of Haystacks
Ii is only recently that I have started exploring this region of the Lake District. I made a trip up Haystacks in 2009 but hadn't visited the area again until recently. The relatively central location means that you are rewarded with fantastic views of fells and Lakes all around when on the summits.I did a few of these fells as part of my Wainwright Challenge 2011 walk, details of which can be read here.

Fell Walked How Often When
Base BrownYesonceMay 2011
Blake FellNo--
BrandrethYesonceMay 2011
Burnbank FellNo--
Caw FellNo--
Crag FellNo--
Fleetwith PikeYesonceJuly 2011
Gavel PikeNo--
Great BorneNo--
Great GableYesonceMay 2011
Green GableYestwiceMay 2011
May 2011
Grey KnottsYesonceMay 2011
Grike No--
HaystacksYestwiceJune 2009
July 2011
Hen CombNo--
High CragYesonceJuly 2011
High StileYesonceJuly 2011
Kirk FellNo--
Lang RiggNo--
Low FellNo--
Middle FellNo--
Red Pike (Buttermere)YesonceJuly 2011
Red Pike (Wasdale)No--
Stoat FellNo--
Starling DoddNo--